Training the Trainer

molly at catch Last week, I attended a three-day training to implement the CATCH Kids Club Program. For those who do not know, CATCH is the Coordinated Approach to Child Heath. CATCH is rooted in the belief that a healthy environment can decrease the current obesity epidemic in children. Currently, schools incorporate CATCH into the curriculum through nutrition lessons in class, morning announcements, games in physical education and take-home information for parents. The CATCH Kids Club is a curriculum used at day cares, schools and YMCAs to ensure that CATCH objectives are incorporated into after school activities, too. Because CATCH and Brighter Bites are focused on fighting childhood obesity, it is crucial that teachers, coaches and counselors who work at our participating school be well trained in CATCH and also understand how to successfully run the Kids Club. The training academy provided three days of teaching, physical activity and fun. The instructor taught us simple techniques, exercises and transition games to keep kids moving and entertained for hours! I learned how to create an activity session (warm-up, activity, cool-down) designed to increase moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). My favorite part of the training was learning how to “CATCH-ify” modern children’s games. For example, I can now make kickball CATCH friendly by integrating the following elements into the game:  fun, full student participation, skill development, and 50% MVPA for the duration of the game. Health programs in after school centers are essential for maintaining a kid-friendly, healthful environment. Not only do these programs reinforce the impact of physical activity and healthy eating, but they also encourage children to work together and develop new skills. I’ve already provided training sessions to physical education teachers and after school program counselors! Who else is game?