Parent Volunteers Love Brighter Bites!

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To give you a glimpse of the impact of Brighter Bites on our families, we interviewed Angelina Bautista (above left) and Ana Beltran, two amazing moms at Lorenzo DeZavala Elementary in West Dallas who regularly give back to their school community by volunteering week after week with Brighter Bites.

How long have you been involved with Brighter Bites?

Angelina: Since the program began at our school. Going on 3 years. I like to help with both the bagging and distribution. We deliver bags to the teachers’ rooms too. They say hello to the students – giving a quick hug to the kids they know – and hand the teachers their bags. The kids always oohhh and ahhhh when we deliver the bags, and the teachers are equally excited.

Ana: 2 years; I was here when the program began and then came back this year. Our daughters are in the same 1st grade class and are close friends. They come hang out while we help pass out bags and samples.

Angelina: We will continue to help as long as y’all are here and will let us!

What do you like about Brighter Bites?

Angelina: It’s a really good program. It helps me save money on my groceries.

Ana: I agree. And my kids love the food, especially the fruit. My son who helps us out at bagging and distributions, started eating two apples, one in each hand, while we were bagging today. I had to tell him to save some for his sister!

Angelina: My daughter loves the fruit too. She also likes the cucumbers.

What changes has the program had on your family?

Ana: The program helps us eat more healthy foods. We also get a lot of good ideas about how to prepare the food in our bags and try new things at home. The sample is great for the kids.