Humans of Brighter Bites (April 2017, 1 of 3)



“I remember that at the age of seven I started to eat fruits and vegetables because I watched my father. He loved papaya, pineapple, watermelon, among others. With him, I learned to eat vegetables. I like beet, spinach, onion, tomato, lettuce, and cabbage, and as I grew, I would combine these foods with meat, fish, eggs. Later, at 19 years old, I settled in the state of Oaxaca and there I got to know another type of food. The Oaxacan gastronomy is varied, diverse, and with many flavors in addition to being very seasoned, so I began to try more vegetables and fruits that are found in Oaxaca.”

“Recuerdo que a la edad de siete años empecé a comer frutas y verduras porque veía a mi padre. Le encantaba la papaya, la pina, la sandía, entre otras. Con él aprendí a comer vegetales. Me gusta betabel, espinaca, cebolla, jitomate, lechuga, y col, y conforme fui creciendo fui combinando estos alimentos con carne, pescado, huevos. Posteriormente, a los 19 años de edad, radiqué en el estado de Oaxaca y allí conocí otro tipo de alimentación. La gastronomía oaxaqueña es variada, diversa y con muchos sabores además de ser muy condimentada, entonces empecé a conocer más las verduras y frutos que se dan en Oaxaca.”

Humans of Brighter Bites is a series that captures how Brighter Bites volunteers, participants, teachers, and supporters connect with food. Check back here for each installment of the current story and each month for a new story.